
The BBO Big Band’s next month end gig is:

Next Concert

Thursday 25th July 2024 at 8:15pm
Marlow Royal British Legion Club


Trica Bassett & Richard Linnell on vocals

The concert is in aid of Royal British Legion Marlow

Entry just £10 on the door. Cash and card

Our 2024 schedule is below. These will include the month end concerts at RBL Marlow, and all live concerts.

Date Day Where What Time
29/2/24 Thursday RBL Club – End of Month Marlow Age Concern


16/3/24 Saturday Maidenhead Golf Club Private Event  
28/3/24 Thursday RBL Club – End of Month Motor Neurone Disease


25/4/24 Thursday RBL Club – End of Month Friends of Bisham Church


30/5/24 Thursday RBL Club – End of Month Marlow Museum 8.15pm
30/6/24 Sunday Wargrave Wargrave Festival
